HOME ▶ International House ▶ NOTICE
[2021-2] Application Period for Check-In
★Because of the COVID-19 situation, all students are required to use their
room separately as a single room. The cost of the single room is 1,560,000KRW for 1
semester(2021/08/26~2021/12/23). Please be aware that assignment of the room
type could be random.
Students must follow the International
House Rules during the stay.
If not, students could be forcebly
checked-out according to the regulations.
(Regulations and Guidance, bill of International House will be provided when students check in.) ★
▶Application Period
[Enrolled Students] : 2021/06/07(Mon) ~ 2021/06/11(Fri) / 09:00~22:00
[New Exchange Students] : 2021/07/12(Mon) ~ 2021/07/16(Fri) / 09:00~22:00
[New Degree Seeking Students] : 2021/07/26(Mon) ~ 2021/07/30(Fri) / 09:00~22:00
▶Check-in Period
[Enrolled Students] : 2021/08/26(Thu) ~
[New Exchange Students]
: 2021/08/23(Mon) ~ 2021/08/25(Wed)
[New Degree Seeking Students] : 2021/08/23(Mon) ~
▶Check-in Time - 9:00~20:30
*Unabled times*
- 12:00 ~ 13:00 (lunch break- closed)
- 18:00 ~ 19:00 (dinner break- closed)
- Weekends (office closed)
▶How to apply
[Enrolled Students] : Refer to the file above
[New Exchange Students] : Click → 숙명여자대학교 학생생활관 >International House>APPLY (
[New Degree Seeking Students] : Click → 숙명여자대학교 학생생활관 >International House>APPLY (
▶Payment methods
1. Period: 2021/09/06(Mon) ~ 2021/09/09(Thu) - *Bank opening hours: 9:00-16:00
2. How to pay: Bring your billing statement to the Shinhan Bank branch.
- The dormitory fee must be paid in cash.
- If the exact amount is not paid, it will not be accepted in the virtual account.
- The card issued abroad has a daily limit of withdrawing, so you should prepare the cash 3-4days earlier.
*Students will be given the billing statement on the day of the check-in.
▶Essential document
1. Agreement Form: Students have to sign in agreement form when they check-in
2. Medical report: Chest X-ray (Tuberculosis), it has to be issued within 3 months before the day of check-in.
All the students have to submit the report by September 24th
3. Result of the PCR test(COVID-19): Students cannot check in without submitting the result.
All the students have to submit the result before checking in.
▶Address of International House Office
Sookmyung Women`s University International
House 1, 63 Chengparo 47 na gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea
Tell. 02-6325-3199