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숙명여자대학교 학생생활관

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HOMEInternational HouseNOTICE

Date : 22-06-07 09:45
[2022-Fall] Guidance of Application for Check-in (Eng)
 Writer : 관리자
Views : 2,709  

[2022-Fall] Application Period for Check-In


Because of the COVID-19 situation, only single or double occupancy is available for the 2022-fall semester. There are few single rooms, so allocation for single occupancy may be limited. Application for triple and quad occupancy are not available. Please be aware that assignment of the room type could be random. 


Students must follow the International House Rules during the stay. If not, students could be forcedly checked-out according to the regulations.

(Regulations and Guidance, bill of International House will be provided when students check in.) 



Application Period 

[Enrolled Students]: 2022/06/07(TUE) ~ 2022/06/10(FRI) / 09:00~22:00  

[New Exchange Students]: 2022/07/11(MON) ~ 2022/07/15(FRI) / 09:00~22:00  

[New Degree Seeking Students]: 2022/07/25(MON) ~ 2022/07/29(FRI) / 09:00~22:00 


Check-in Period 

[Enrolled Students]: 2022/08/29(MON) ~ 2022/08/31(WED)  

[New Exchange Students]: 2022/08/24(WED) ~ 2022/08/26(FRI)  

[New Degree Seeking Students]: 2022/08/24(WED) ~ 2022/08/26(FRI) ​​


Check-in Time - 09:00~20:30 

*Unable times* 

- 12:00 ~ 13:00 (lunch break- closed) 

- 18:00 ~ 19:00 (dinner break- closed) 

- Weekends (office closed)


How to apply  

[Enrolled Students]: Refer to the file below 

[New Exchange Students]: Click  숙명여자대학교 학생생활관 >International House>APPLY (dorm.sookmyung.ac.kr)​​

[New Degree Seeking Students]: Click  숙명여자대학교 학생생활관 >International House>APPLY (dorm.sookmyung.ac.kr)


Payment methods 


1. Period2022/09/05(MON) ~ 2022/09/08(THU) 

*Bank opening hours: 9:30-15:30 (It is shortened time due to Covid-19. It may be different by the branches, so please check before you visit a bank.)


2. How to pay: Bring your billing statement to the Shinhan Bank branch. 

- The dormitory fee must be paid in cash. 

- If the exact amount is not paid, it will not be accepted in the virtual account. 

- The card issued abroad has a daily limit of withdrawing, so you should prepare the cash 3-4days earlier. 

 *Students will be given the billing statement on the day of the check-in. 


Essential document

1. Agreement Form: Students have to sign in agreement form when they check-in 


2. Medical report: Chest X-ray (Tuberculosis), it has to be issued within 3 months upon arrival for check-in. 

    All the students have to submit the report by September 23th. 


3. Result of the PCR or RAT test(COVID-19)Students cannot check in without submitting the result as negative. The result should be within 48 hours(for PCR)/24 hours(for RAT) upon arrival. 

  - All the students have to submit the PCR or RAT test result when arriving at the Int’l House.
  - Students from overseas must submit the valid PCR result as negative.(Exceptionally, you can submit RAT result & PCR result if your PCR result validity has expired upon Intn'l House arrival.)


Address of International House Office 

Sookmyung Women`s University International House 1, 63 Chengparo 47 na gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea 

Tell. 02-6325-3102, 02-6325-3199




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