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숙명여자대학교 학생생활관

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HOMEInternational HouseNOTICE

Date : 23-12-01 11:42
2023-2 기말고사 응원 간식/Final exam cheer Cheese Rice Cake
 Writer : 관리자
Views : 1,251  

2023-2학기 국제관 거주 학생분들의 기말고사를 응원하기 위하여 치즈떡을 나눠드립니다.

국제1관 1층 사무실에 방문하시어 치즈떡을 받으실 때 본인 확인이 있을 예정입니다.

국제관에 거주하는 학생분들에게 1개씩 나눠드리며 준비한 수량이 소진되면 마감될 예정입니다.

학생 분들의 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.


We will be distributing Cheese Rice Cake to students living in the International House for the 2023-2 semester to support their finals.

Please stop by the office on the first floor of International House 1 to pick up your Cheese Rice Cake and you will be asked to identify yourself.

We will distribute one Cheese Rice Cake to each student living in the International House, and the event will end when the supply runs out.

We look forward to your participation.

Thank you. 


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